Morningstar Equity Indexes
A Robust Institutional Beta Platform for Core Investing
Key Features
Morningstar Equity Indexes
Comprehensive coverage of the global equity market Represents 99% of the investable global equity market and provides extensive building blocks across regions, countries, styles, and sectors. | Investable and replicable Only liquid stocks that are readily available for institutional investors to hold at scale are included, reflecting the true opportunity set for active managers and mitigating transaction costs for passive investors. | |
Objective and transparent Built and maintained according to a transparent set of rules that ensure objective, consistent market representation. | Aligned with Morningstar classification frameworks Supports seamless analysis by aligning with the Morningstar Style Box and Morningstar country and sector classifications. | |
Building Blocks Across Regions, Countries, Styles, and Sectors
Don't Neglect Investments Outside the US
Ultimately, the strategic case for global diversification is less about non correlated assets and more about broadening the investment opportunity set to the fullest. Many leading global franchises, including companies dominant in the US market, are found across the globe. Great businesses at compelling prices can come from anywhere.

Featured Indexes
Morningstar Global Markets Indexes
Providing extensive building blocks across geographical regions, developed and emerging markets, individual countries, sectors, and currencies.
Morningstar Broad Styles Indexes
The Morningstar Broad Style Indexes represent 99.5% of the US investable equity market, providing a comprehensive view of the opportunity set for style investors. The indexes utilize the same metrics as the Morningstar Style Box to segment the market into value and growth segments, resulting in a consistent frame of reference and holistic measurement of style.
Insights from the Leading Edge
We keep up with the evolving needs of investors in a way that only Morningstar can: by leveraging our heritage as a trusted provider of data and research.